Update Supplier Information

Use the Edit Supplier screen to update various supplier items, ie addresses, sites, contacts, or profile details.

Step Action Illustration


Refer to  Search for a Supplier to search for and select the appropriate supplier.  


Select the desired supplier.
The Edit Supplier page appears.


Edit the necessary fields and click Save and Close.
A Confirmation pop-up appears.


Click OK.


Inactive Date Parameter

The Inactive Date parameter specifies a time frame when a supplier becomes inactive (unusable).

To configure the inactive date parameter, perform the following steps:

Step Action Illustration


Refer to  Search for a Supplier to search for and select the appropriate supplier.  


Select the desired supplier.
The Edit Supplier page appears.


In Edit Supplier window, on the Inactive Date parameter, click the Calendar icon.
Configure the date you desire the supplier to become in active.

Note: The inactive date parameter must be set as the current or future date. You may not choose a date in the past.

Note: When a supplier becomes inactive, the status changes from Active to Inactive.


When the parameter is configured, select Save and Close to return to the Manage Supplier page.



Add Additional Addresses to Suppliers

Step Action Illustration


Refer to  Search for a Supplier to search for and select the appropriate supplier.  


Select the desired supplier. The Edit Supplier page appears.


Click the Addresses tab and click the Add "+" icon. The Create Address page appears.


Complete the following Address fields:
  • Enter the Address Name
  • In the Country field, type "un," then select United States from the search results listed

  • Enter the Remittance Address

  • Enter City, State and Postal Code (See Step 5 to search for the city or postal code)

  • Click the Remit to check box

  • Click Save and Close


A Confirmation pop up displays, see Step 6.


Search For the City, State Postal Code

  • Click the arrow by the City, State, or Postal Code field

  • A Search and Select pop up window displays

  • Search:  Click the arrow for the list

  • At the bottom of the list click Search.

  • Geography:  Enter a City name or Zip Code and click Search

  • Select the appropriate option from the list

  • Click OK



Click OK.


Add Sites to a Supplier

In order to add a site to a supplier, an address must first be created. Suppliers are configured for use with specific business units to ensure that they are not accidentally compensated by an unaffiliated property. The user may attach multiple business units to a supplier.


Step Action Illustration


Refer to  Search for a Supplier to search for and select the appropriate supplier.  


Select the desired supplier. The Edit Supplier page appears.


Click the Sites tab. Click the Add "+" icon. The Create Site page appears.


Complete the following Site fields:
  • Select the Procurement BU
  • Select the Address Name (the Address and Site fields populate)

  • The Site Purpose field auto-populates

  • Click Save and Close

A Confirmation pop-up appears.


Click OK.


Add Banks to a Supplier

Suppliers paid via ACH require that their bank details are added to their profiles.

Step Action Illustration


From the Edit Supplier screen, scroll to the Profile Details section.  


In the Profile Details section, click the Payments tab. Click the Bank Accounts tab. Click the Create New bank Account icon.
The Create Bank Account page appears.


Complete the following Bank Account fields:
  • Country
  • Account Number
  • Bank Name
  • Branch

Complete any other fields necessary.

Click Save and Close.


A Confirmation pop-up appears.


Click OK.




Update Suppliers Bank Accounts

Follow the instructions below to update a supplier's bank account information.

Step Action Illustration


From the Edit Supplier screen, scroll to the Profile Details section.  


In the Profile Details section, click the Payments tab. Click the Bank Accounts tab. Click the linked Account Number.
The Edit Bank Account page appears.


Make any changes needed to the Bank Account fields.

Complete any other fields necessary.

Click Save and Close.


A Confirmation pop-up appears.


Click OK.

Updated 4/10/2019 JM