Search for a Supplier

Performing a search on a supplier name in Oracle allows you to avoid duplicate registrations. Oracle searches the entered criteria to match and display current suppliers in the search results. If the criteria entered returns no results, then the Supplier is not currently registered in Oracle. 


Follow the steps below to search for a Supplier.

Step Action Illustration


From the Dashboard, click Procurement and select Suppliers.
The Suppliers Overview page appears.


Click the Search icon on the right side of the page.
The Search Keyword field slides out to the left.


Enter any of the following keywords:
  • Supplier Name
  • Alternate Name
  • Parent Supplier Name
  • Supplier Number
  • D-U-N-S Number


Click  the Search  icon.

The Manage Suppliers page appears. Go to Step 6.
Note: If you need to search for the supplier by a different category (Ex: Taxpayer ID), go to Step 4.



Click the Advanced link.
The Manage Supplier Advanced Search appears.


Enter one or more of the following Advanced Search fields:
  • Tax Registration Number
  • Taxpayer ID

Click Search.

The results populate in the Search Results section below.


Scroll to the Search Results section and locate the appropriate supplier.

  • Supplier in the Results: The supplier is registered in Oracle.

  • Supplier Missing from Results: The supplier is not already registered.
  • Suppliers with Same Taxpayer ID: Submit a request for the site to be added to the existing supplier.
  • No matching Tax ID Number: Register the supplier in Oracle.

Updated 9/19/2018 JM