Supplier Update Overview

During normal operation, Supplier Information may require changes including the following:

The following flowchart depicts multiple scenarios that require changes to a supplier.




AP Coordinator

Adding a new supplier to Oracle

Enters required details through the Register Supplier form in Oracle.

Approves supplier,creates sites, ensures address and tax payer ID entered.

A supplier exists with the desired address, but your property is not associated with it.

Requests property added to a supplier Site as a procurement BU.

Adds Property to supplier’s site as a Procurement BU.

The desired supplier exists without the desired address.

Requests an address and new site added to supplier. Also, requests their property is added to the Vendor’s Sites as a procurement BU.

Defines new supplier address and site..

Supplier DBA Information must be added.

Requests DBA name is added to supplier.

Adds DBA name to Alternate Name field, creates new address (when necessary), creates new site, and defines dba Payee Name field.


For additional information, see:

Updated 8/17/2018 JM