Set up Supplier Income Tax Information

After a supplier is registered and approved, you might be required to add a Income Tax information. The  requestor may provide Income Tax information during the registration process. If not, you must request tax information from the requestor. These instructions explain how to add Tax Information to an existing supplier in Oracle ERP.


Step Action Illustration


Locate the appropriate Supplier by following the steps in Search for a Supplier.  


Scroll to the Profile Details section and click Income Tax.
*Note: If the Taxpayer Country and Taxpayer ID fields are not set, then do so now.


Complete the following Income Tax fields, if required:

  • Enable the Federal reportable check box (this enables the Federal Income Tax Type field)

  • Set the Federal Income Tax Type (For a list of income tax types, see Federal Income Tax Types)

  • Click the State reportable check box

  • Enter the Tax Reporting Name (as provided in the 1099 form)

  • Enter the Name Control

  • Enter the Verification Date

  • Enable the Use withholding tax check box (this enables the Withholding Tax Group field)

  • Enter the Withholding Tax Group


Click Save and Close. A Confirmation pop-up appears.


Click OK.

Updated 8/17/2018 JM