Submit a Service Desk or Oracle Support Ticket

This topic presents these basic tasks:


Submit a Service Desk Ticket

To submit a Service Desk Ticket, open Mozilla Firefox, and follow these steps.



Action Illustration


Log in to the Remington Service Desk:


Tip: Bookmark this site for faster access later.


Corporate users: Use your Windows credentials to log in.


Option: Click Remember for the browser to store your log in information.


From the landing screen for the Remington Service Desk, click the Incident Catalog menu and select Report an Issue or New Incident from the menu.


The New Incident screen displays.


In the New Incident section, complete these fields:


In the top section:

  • Name:  Your name should be prefilled, but if not, click the icon to select the Incident Requester's Name.  Your Job Title, Department, Email and Contact number displays.
  • Level:  Select the level for the new Incident/Issue.  For any Oracle issue, select Tier 10.
  • Site:  Pre-fills according to the requester's location site.
  • Impact:  Select the appropriate impact.
  • Urgency:  Select the appropriate urgency.
  • Category:  Select an appropriate category.
  • Subject: Enter your request.

  • Description: Enter detailed information about your request.

  • Attach File: If applicable, click this button and send screen shots to provide as much information as possible to the support team.


Note: Be as detailed as possible in the Description field so that Service Desk personnel can provide a better and more accurate response.




Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add request. Your request is routed to the support team, and you receive a ticket number by email.


Submit a Service Desk Ticket to Oracle Support

When a process in Oracle results in an error or a warning, submit a service desk ticket as shown above and include the information below.



Action Illustration
  Optional: Report Warnings and Errors
If a process ends with a status of Error or Warning, submit a ticket as shown above, and provide this information:
  • Impact: Select Medium
  • Urgency: Select Normal
  • Level: Select Tier 10
  • Category: Select Oracle - Financials (ERP).
  • Subcategory: Select the module.
  • Item: Select the task you are performing.
  • Email IDs to Notify: Add people other than yourself who are affected.
  • Subject: Enter Oracle Processing Error.
  • Description: Name the business process, Oracle process, and the process ID that generated the error. Add any other pertinent details.
  • Click Add Request.



Submit a Service Desk Ticket to Add, Modify, or Delete User Access

To add a new user, modify an existing user, or terminate a user’s access, follow these steps.


Action Illustration


Log in to the Remington Service Desk.  See instructions above.


From the landing screen, click the Service Catalog menu.  Select Oracle New/Modify/Delete User Account Request and click the Ashford option.



The Ashford Oracle ERP/PBCS New/Modify/Delete User Account Request Form displays.


In the top section:

  • Name:  Your name should be pre-filled, but if not, click the icon to select the Incident Requester's Name.  Your Job Title, Department, Email and Contact number displays.
  • Level:  Select Tier 10.
  • Site:  Ashford Hospitality Trust.
  • Impact:  Medium.
  • Urgency: Normal
  • Category:  Account Management
  • Subcategory:  Oracle - Accounting & Finance
  • Item: Add User

  • Subject: Ashford Oracle ERP/PBCS New/Modify/Delete User Request for [User Name].

  • Description: Please set up access to Oracle Accounts Payable for the person entered below:  
    User ID: enter the user's ID.


Complete these fields:

  • Request Type: New

  • Oracle Instance:  Select Oracle ERP or PBCS or both.

  • Company:  Select Ashford

  • Associate Name: Enter the name of the user that needs the addition/modification/ deletion.

  • Job Title: Enter the user's title.

  • Task Force?: If this is a Task Force user, select Yes. If not, select No.

  • Email Address: Enter the user's email address.

  • Mirror User: If a new user needs the same access type as another user, enter that user's name.


  • Select the additional roles the user may need by checking the box next to the role or module.  
  • Scroll to the bottom and click Add request.


Your request is routed to the support team, and you receive a ticket number by email.

Updated 4/24/2019 JM