Access the Remington Portal

If you are a new user, it's important to know where to go for the following information.  The Oracle Project screen in the Remington Portal contains links to the following items:


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Step Action Illustration


After Installing  Mozilla Firefox ESR, open the browser.


In Firefox, navigate to the Remington Portal at


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Portal. The Remington Portal page appears.


On the Remington Portal page, hover over the Remington Departments icon and click The Oracle Project link.


Bookmark the Remington Portal page or add it to your favorites for easy reference.


If you aren't already logged in, the Remington Portal sign in page appears.
Enter either:
  • your RNET user name and password
  • your email and password
Click Sign in.
The Oracle Project page appears.


The Oracle Project page offers these Helpful Links:
  • Oracle Login: Click this link to access Oracle Production instance, an bookmark it for quick access.
    To log in, see Access and Log In to Oracle.
  • Oracle Change Request Form: This downloads a Change Request Form for system changes.

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Updated 4/25/2019 JM