Install ADFdi

The Application Developer Framework Desktop Integration (ADFdi) Excel add-in allows the Oracle database to interface with an invoice or journal entry in an external spreadsheet. These instructions describe how to download and install the ADFdi add-in from Oracle.


After new releases and upgrades, you may need to re-install or repair your current version of ADFdi.  The instructions below also apply to updates and repairs.


*Note: Oracle operates optimally in the Mozilla Firefox internet browser and these instructions have been created using Firefox. Please also be aware that your computer may require administrator access rights to install the add-in.

Step Action Illustration


Click the Navigator and under the Tools section click Download Desktop Integration.
A pop-up to save the ADFdi add-in installer file appears.


In the pop up window, click Save File.
The file is sent to the browser's download repository.


Click the Download arrow in the Firefox browser and click the ADFdi file. The ADF Desktop Integration Installer pop-up appears.


On the Integration Installer window, click Install.
The installation begins and once complete the Installation Complete pop-up appears.
Note:  If the installation requires an Administrator Username and Password, please contact your property's IT.


If ADFdi is currently installed, the Integration Installer indicates an update.
The Installer window may give an option to Repair or Remove.
Click Repair. If Remove is selected, make the change to Repair prior to clicking Next.
NOTE:  For Updates, always click Repair.
Follow the rest of the prompts.


Click Close.

Updated 10/11/2019 JM