Favorites are user defined links that open specific pages. Typically, favorites provide links to frequently accessed pages.
Perform the following steps to add a favorite.
Step |
Action |
Illustration |
1 |
Navigate to the desired page. |
2 |
With the desired page loaded, the select Favorite button. The Favorites and Recent Items pop up displays. |
3 |
Select Add to Favorites. The Add to Favorites pop-up window appears. |
4 |
On the Add to Favorites pop up, the Name field automatically populates with the page’s default name.
If desired, edit the favorite’s name.
Click Save and Close to add the favorite. |
5 |
(Optional) If desired, create a new folder to store the favorite: From the Add to Favorites pop up window, select New Folder.
A Create Folder window displays. Enter the Folder Name and click Save.
6 |
To save a favorite to the folder, select the folder name in the Create In field.
Multiple folders can be created to manage favorites. |
7 |
Open Favorites and verify the link is present. |
Perform the following procedure to delete a favorite.
Step |
Action |
Illustration |
1 |
Select the Favorite button. |
2 |
The Favorites and Recent Items window opens. Select Manage Favorites. |
3 |
Select the favorite to delete. Click the Delete Click Save. |
4 |
Open Favorites to verify the link is removed. |
Perform the following procedure to open a favorite.
Step |
Action |
Illustration |
1 |
Select the Favorite button. |
2 |
Select the desired Favorite. The system advances to selected favorite’s page. |
Perform the following procedure to open a Recent Item.
Step |
Action |
Illustration |
1 |
Select the Favorite button. |
2 |
Select the Recent Items tab. Select the link to the desired page. The system advances to selected page. |
Updated 9/19/2018 JM