There are multiple wawys to navigate to a specific Oracle module. Click the link below for instructions on these basic navigation elements:
Oracle Home Screen: Describes the Home screen elements, including the Navigator page, Favorites, Recent Items, Notifications, Watchlists and Accessibility changes.
Oracle Navigation Limitations: Describes the buttons to use on screen instead of the browser buttons.
The Home screen and it's elements are explained in the table below.
Step | Action | Illustration |
1 |
From the Welcome Screen, click the Home icon to see the Home Screen. | |
2 |
The Home
screen displays the following items:
1. The Navigator icon is located in the upper left of every screen in Oracle.
2. The following icons are located toward the upper right side of the screen. and are on every screen in Oracle.
3. Click a Module icon to access that module. |
3 |
Click the Navigator Icon in the upper left corner to see the Navigator page which lists module links. | |
4 |
and Recent Items
Add screens that are often used to the Favorites List, or click the Recent Items tab to see screens just visited. |
5 |
Click the Watchlist icon to see configured Watchlists . Click the link to learn more about Watchlists |
6 |
Click the Notifications icon to view any Pending Notifications. Click the arrow next to the title to change the view to All Notifications. |
7 |
Click the User's Initials on the top right and select Access Accessibility Settings to change the Oracle site accessibility preferences. |
8 |
Click the icon and a page specific icon displays next to the page element. Click the icon again to hide the help icon by the element. **Documentation is provided by Oracle and discusses the elements on the screen, but not specific Remington processes. For help with Remington processes, the Remington Training Resource center is the most accurate reference. |
Oracle Cloud is optimized in a Mozilla Firefox ESR window, but contains its own navigation buttons. This means you cannot use the browser navigation to move through Oracle.
For example, clicking Firefox's Back button closes the current process in Oracle and displays the Oracle Welcome screen, not the previous screen.
Always use Oracle's navigation buttons instead of the browser's navigation buttons.
Step | Action | Illustration |
1 |
Closes the current screen. |
2 |
Submits the contents of the current screen or form. In some cases the button will also close the screen. |
3 |
and Close:
Saves the contents of the current screen and then closes the screen. |
4 |
Cancels the actions of the current screen and closes the screen. |
Updated 9/19/2018 JM