Reassign an Invoice

Follow the instructions below to reassign an invoice pending approval from the Worklist,  the Payables Invoices summary page, or the Payables Dashboard.


Please note that pop-ups must be enabled in Mozilla Firefox (your internet browser) in order to work on items from the Worklist.

Step Action Illustration


The Worklist:
From the dashboard, click Tools, then click Worklist.
The Worklist: Notifications and Approvals page appears.


Click the Financials tab. Highlight the row of the appropriate invoice. Click Actions and select Reassign.
The Reassign Task pop-up appears.
Go to Step 8.


The Payables Invoices Summary screen:
From the Home screen, click the Payable option and select the Invoices menu item.


In the Approval box click the Pending link.
The invoices appear below.
Find the invoice listed and click the Invoice Number to open.
The invoice opens on the screen.


In the Actions menu, select the Reassign option.
The Reassign Task pop up displays.
Go to Step 8.


The Payables Dashboard:
From the Home screen, click the Payables menu and click the Payables Dashboard option.
In the Payables Dashboard, click the Requiring My Approval tab.  The invoices requiring approval display.  
Click the link to the appropriate invoice in the Title column.
The Approval of Invoice window opens.


In the Actions menu, select the Reassign option.
The Reassign Task pop up displays.
Go to Step 8.


Complete the following Reassign Task fields:
  • Click the Reassign radio button
  • Select Users or Groups from the drop-down field
  • Enter one or more of the search parameters and click Search
  • Select the appropriate user or group from the results by enabling the check box
Click OK.


The pop-up closes and the invoice disappears from the Worklist queue.

Updated 9/19/2018 JM